Britain’s unsung heroes, the 5th emergency service, are the amazing people who we know as the ‘Grime Fighters’. In this series they clean bigger and better than ever before.
We follow specialist clean-up teams as they tackle the UK’s dirtiest jobs, biggest structures, facilities and vehicles including; grimy sewage systems, mammoth tower blocks, sports stadiums, the deep cleani...
This show follows the members of the office of the District Attorney of the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City, as they prosecute their court cases or attempt to assist in the apprehension of thieves and a selection of other criminals.
「每一件事情都能激發我的靈感,有時候我感覺我能看到別人看不到的東西 。」Norman Foster。英國建築師 Norman Forster 為高技派代表人物,曾提出建造世界第一大廈的前衛觀點,是當代建築中最具遠見的思想家,這部電影即紀錄 Norman Forster 的生平,以及他致力用設計讓生活更多采多姿的堅定追求。本片探 Norman Foster 的代表作,及其創作靈感來源,如中國北京首都國際機場、柏林國會大廈修復工程、環保概念為出發點的紐約赫斯特大樓,以及位於法國擁有世界上最高橋樑之稱的米洛高架橋。影片也找來曾獲普立茲克建築獎 Richard Rogers、藝術家 Anish Kapoor 、抽像雕塑藝術大師 Anthony Caro、哲學家Alain de Botton ,甚至邀請了樂隊 U2 主唱 Bono 在電影中分享他們對 Nor...
A concise introduction presented by the Department of Physics in Northeastern University is as follows.
The Connected documentary investigates the various mind-blowing applications of network theory in our everyday lives. In the film, Barabási and other scientists suggest that computer viruses, infectious diseases, proteins in the cell, and human social groups are all governed...
Jenna Talackova may have been born with the name Walter, but make no mistake, this beautiful knockout is all woman, and she's not afraid to roar - just ask Donald Trump. After skyrocketing to fame as the transgendered girl with the gall to take on "The Donald" for the right to compete in Miss Universe, Jenna won't let anything keep her from her dreams. She's set her sights on b...
Using an octocopter, historian Bettany Hughes and aerial archaeologist Ben Robinson, explore various sites of historic interest from a new perspective, the air.