In this spectacular series, Professor Cox offers an original new perspective on human life: the story of a group of apes that evolved to leave their home planet and step out into the universe.
Humans are curious creatures. Of all the species on Earth, we alone ask questions. This series tackles the greatest questions we've ever asked. Where are we in the universe? Why are we he...
О фильме: Ловля рыбы - одно из древнейших занятий человека. Как и тысячи лет назад рыбак зависит от стихии: сегодня улов есть, а завтра его может не быть. Меняются суда, оснащение, масштаб улова, но эта суровая работа по-прежнему остается очень опасной и исключительно мужской, она требует смелости, физических сил, смекалки, а иногда и просто везения. Герои сериала - сильные дух...
Historians Ruth Goodman, Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn bring back to life the golden age of steam and explore how Victorian railways created modern Britain.
Louis immerses himself in the world of Ohio’s State Psychiatric Hospitals, meeting patients who have committed crimes - at times horrifically violent - while in the grip of severe mental illness.
They have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity and ordered by the courts to secure psychiatric facilities to receive the treatment it is hoped will one day lead to their reinteg...