A group of students who have gone to visit a carnival at night on a weekend, but feelings of enjoyment have been replaced with feelings of fear. The only way for all 13 of them to survive is to play the most cruel games to pass each stage.
Amid the glamour of Hollywood, Los Angeles, a woman finds herself on a transformative journey as she nurtures wounded hummingbirds, unraveling a visually captivating and magical tale of love, fragility, healing, and the delicate beauty in tiny acts of greatness.
紀梵希(Hubert de Givenchy)被讚譽為「二十世紀最才華洋溢的服裝設計師」。他憑藉著獨樹一幟的優雅格調,並且在巴黎世家創辦人巴倫夏加的鼓勵之下,24歲即自創品牌,隨後在時尚界享有「時尚巨人」的盛名,半個世紀以來屹立至今。他是銀幕女神奧黛莉赫本的幕後推手,從《龍鳳配》、《甜姐兒》,尤其是《第凡內早餐》的黑色洋裝蔚為風潮,所有人爭相模仿,成為巴黎少女的制服,這就是他一手創造的「赫本旋風」。崇拜他的時尚信徒包括溫莎公爵夫人、奧黛莉赫本以及美國總統夫人賈桂琳甘迺迪。1963年,美國總統甘迺迪遇刺身亡,紀梵希甚至為賈桂琳設計出席葬禮的喪服。