八频道新剧集项目费卡姆不得不从她已故的母亲那里勉强继承了卡的精神。它可以通过舔她的脸让她更漂亮,但也给了她一个可怕的形式。这个卡的灵魂曾经是一个美丽的女人,被称为公主Oenglong谁是残酷和邪恶的。现在,恩龙强烈地想要报复任何在她活着时伤害过她的人。即使在她死后,费卡姆的母亲的灵魂仍然被卡强 大的控制着。现在费卡姆不仅要从邪恶的卡魔爪下拯救她自己,还要拯救她的母亲。有一天,法伊坎有机会在皇宫工作,为恩龙提供了复仇的机会。~~根据北方民间的鬼怪传说故事改编,讲述一个邪恶的灵魂潜伏在一个木制木偶中,Faikham has to unwillingly inherit the spirit of Ka from her late mother. It can make her more beautiful by licking her face, yet gives her a terrifying form too. This spirit of Ka was once a beautiful woman, called Princess Oenglong who was brutal and evil. Now Oenglong strongly desires revenge on anyone who hurt her when she was alive.Even after her death, the spirit of Faikham's mother is still stuck under Ka's powerful control. Now Faikham not only has to save herself but also her mother from the claws of evil Ka.One day, Faikham has a chance to work in the palace, opening up an opportunity for Oenglong to take revenge.~~ Based on a Northern folk legend, of an evil spirit that lurks in a wooden puppet
根据拉玛三世(Rama III, 1824年至1851年在位)在暹罗(现在的泰国的旧名)统治时期的一首诗,这个故事讲述了女同性恋在皇家后宫的关系。前宫太子的妃子坤康和忽素,彼此之间都隐藏着超越友谊的感情。他们只能远远地互相照顾,直到前宫经过,苏特被请到桑王子的姐姐维拉斯公主的宏 伟宫殿里服务。只有康(Kham)独自漂泊,最终不得不与父亲卡拉姆(Khram)一起返回家乡安帕瓦(Amphawa)。到底,在感情的事情上,彼此又会如何公平呢?